The general usage syntax is:

invidtui [<option>=<parameter>]


invidtui [<option> <parameter>]

The supported command-line options are listed below. Click on each option to see detailed information about its usage.


As of v0.3.3, the use-current-instances option is deprecated since its behavior has been made the default for loading media from instances.


This option should mainly be used if another invidtui instance may be using the socket, if there was an application crash, or if an error pops up like this: Error: Socket exists at /home/test/.config/invidtui/socket, is another instance running?.


This option must be specified to enable media download. It currently only accepts absolute paths (/home/test/Downloads), and not relative paths (~/Downloads).

For example: invidtui --download-dir /home/test/Downloads


While using this option, it is recommended to input just the instance name, remove the “https://” prefix if present. If the instance URL is not valid, invidtui will automatically choose another valid instance.

For example: invidtui --force-instance ""


This option can be used to generate the configuration.

Note that if you are regenerating the config, the existing values will be re-applied to the generated output.


Only either of the play-audio and play-video options should be applied. The parameter for these options can be a video/playlist:

  • URL: invidtui --play-audio "" invidtui --play-video ""

  • ID: invidtui --play-audio "z1MmPk1pdLY" invidtui --play-video "PLnikWbtnBaM48OF_QWZqbjtvRvbnVpCaP"

To load URLs/IDs from within invidtui, go here.


The search-channel, search-playlist and search-video options are meant to be used individually. Make sure the search queries are properly quoted.

For example: invidtui --search-video "linux"


This option can be used to list active Invidious instances.


The token and token-link options have to be used along with the force-instance option.

For example:

  • To generate a token link: invidtui --force-instance "" --token-link

  • To use the generated token: invidtui --force-instance "" --token <generated-token>

See Authentication for more details.


This option can be used to specify paths to youtube-dl forks that are supported by MPV as well (yt-dlp or yt-dtlp_x86).


This option can be used to print the version information.