Since Youtube video titles may have many unicode characters (emojis for example), it is recommended to install noto-fonts and its variants (noto-fonts-emoji for example). Refer to your distro’s documentation on how to install them. On Arch Linux for instance, you can install the fonts using pacman:
pacman -S noto-fonts noto-fonts-emoji noto-fonts-extra
For the video mode, only MP4 videos will be played, and currently there is no way to modify this behavior. This will change in later versions.
On Windows, using invidtui in Powershell/CMD will work, but use Windows Terminal for best results.
For certain videos where the duration is shown as “00:00”, but the published date is greater than 0s, it is most likely that the video is a live stream. Due to certain inconsistencies with the invidious API, such videos are not shown as live streams in the search results, but will show when playing.
Since invidtui relies on specially crafted URLs to load and display media properly, it is not recommended to edit the autogenerated playlist.
MPRIS support can be enabled by installing mpv-mpris.