The general usage syntax is:

bluetuith [<option>=<parameter>]


bluetuith [<option> <parameter>]

set-theme and set-theme-config

As of v0.1.7, the set-theme and set-theme-config options are deprecated. Use the --theme command-line option or specify a theme directive within the configuration file.


This option can be used to select the adapter when the application has initialized.

For example:

bluetuith --adapter=hci0


This option can be used to list the available bluetooth adapters.


This option can be used to set various adapter properties and states on initialization.

Valid properties are: powered, scan, discoverable, pairable.
Valid states are: yes/y/on to enable a property and no/n/off to disable a property.

The provided value must be in the [<property>:<state>] format.

Property sequence

Each property will be parsed and its state set based on the order in which you provide the properties.

For example, if discoverable:yes, powered:yes is provided:
- The ‘discoverable’ state will be set first and
- The ‘powered’ state will be set after it.

For example:

bluetuith --adapter=hci0 --adapter-states="powered:yes, discoverable:yes, pairable:yes, scan:no"


This option can be used to connect to a device based on its address.

For example:

bluetuith --connect-bdaddr="AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF"


This option can be used to show a confirmation message before quitting the application.


This option can be used to hide warnings when the application has initialized.


This option can be used to set the directory to receive transferred files.

If this option is not set, the path will be set to $HOME/bluetuith.


This option can be used to specify the GSM APN to connect to. While performing DUN-base networking, this option is required and can be used along with the gsm-number option.


This option can be used to specify the GSM number to connect to. If this option is set, the gsm-apn option must also be provided.


This option can be used to set the theme for the application. For example:

bluetuith --theme='{ Adapter: "red" }'

To see the available element types and colors, use the --help option.


This option can be used to generate the configuration.

Note that if you are regenerating the config, the existing values will be re-applied to the generated output.


This option can be used to print the current version of the application.