Generally, bluetuith will work out-of-the-box, with no configuration required.

In case you need to specify settings without using command-line options, a config file can be used.

Typing bluetuith --help will show you the location of the config file.

The configuration file is in the HJSON format. You can use the –generate flag to generate the configuration.

For example:

  adapter: hci0
  receive-dir: /home/user/files
  keybindings: {
  	Menu: Alt+m
  theme: {
  	Adapter: red


The keybinding configuration is a list of KeybindingType: keybinding values.

While defining keybindings, the global keybindings must not conflict with the non-global ones.
It is possible to have duplicate keybindings amongst various non-global keybindings, provided
they are not part of the same context.

For example, this is allowed:

keybindings: {
	FilebrowserSelect: Space
	PlayerTogglePlay: Space

But this isn’t:

keybindings: {
	Menu: Alt+m
	Close: Alt+m


The modifiers currently supported for keybindings are Ctrl, Alt and Shift. Shift should only be used in rare cases. For example, instead of :

  • Shift+a, type A
  • Alt+Shift+e, type Alt+E

and so on.

For the ‘+’ and the space characters, type Plus and Space respectively. For example,

keybindings: {
	AdapterChange: Ctrl+Plus
	PlayerStop: Ctrl+Space


Note that some keybinding combinations may be valid, but may not work due to the way your terminal/environment handles it.

The keybinding types are as follows:

Type Global Context Default Keybinding Description
Menu Yes App Alt+m Menu
Select Yes App Enter Select an item
Cancel Yes App Ctrl+X Cancel an operation
Suspend Yes App Ctrl+Z Suspend the application
Quit Yes App Q Quit
Switch Yes App Tab Switch between menuitems/buttons
Close Yes App Esc Close popups/pages
Help Yes App ? Show help
NavigateUp Yes App Up Navigate a step upwards
NavigateDown Yes App Down Navigate a step downwards
NavigateRight Yes App Right Navigate a step right
NavigateLeft Yes App Left Navigate a step left
NavigateTop Yes App PageUp Navigate to page beginning
NavigateBottom Yes App PageDown Navigate to page end
AdapterChange No Device a Change adapters
AdapterTogglePower No Device o Toggle adapter power state
AdapterToggleDiscoverable No Device S Toggle adapter discoverable state
AdapterTogglePairable No Device P Toggle adapter pairable state
AdapterToggleScan No Device s Toggle adapter scan state
DeviceSendFiles No Device f Start file transfer session
DeviceNetwork No Device n Show network Options
DeviceConnect No Device c Connect to device
DevicePair No Device p Pair with device
DeviceTrust No Device t Trust device
DeviceAudioProfiles No Device A Show device’s audio profiles
DeviceInfo No Device i Show device information
DeviceRemove No Device d Remove device
PlayerShow No Device m Show Media Player
PlayerHide No Device M Hide Media Player
PlayerTogglePlay No Device Space Play/Pause
PlayerNext No Device > Next Track
PlayerPrevious No Device < Previous Track
PlayerSeekForward No Device Left Seek Forward
PlayerSeekBackward No Device Right Seek Backward
PlayerStop No Device ] Stop Playback
FilebrowserDirForward No Files Right Go forward a directory
FilebrowserDirBack No Files Left Go back a directory
FilebrowserSelect No Files Space Select item
FilebrowserInvertSelection No Files a Invert selection
FilebrowserSelectAll No Files A Select all
FilebrowserRefresh No Files Ctrl+R Refresh
FilebrowserToggleHidden No Files h Toggle hidden files
FilebrowserConfirmSelection No Files Ctrl+S Confirm Selection
ProgressView No Progress v View Downloads
ProgressTransferSuspend No Progress z Suspend Transfer
ProgressTransferResume No Progress g Resume Transfer
ProgressTransferCancel No Progress x Cancel Transfer


The theme configuration is a list of ElementType: color values.
Color names or hexadecimal values can be provided for each element type.

For example:

theme: {
	Adapter: red
	Device: #000000

To get a list of available element types and colors, use the --help command-line option.