
Before installation, ensure that the required dependencies are installed:

  • Bluez
  • DBus
  • NetworkManager (optional, required for PANU)
  • ModemManager (optional, required for DUN)
  • PulseAudio (optional, required to manage device audio profiles)


After installing the dependencies, you can install bluetuith using any one method listed below.

Package manager

If your distribution’s repositories have bluetuith, you can install it directly with your package manager. For Arch Linux, The package bluetuith-bin is in the AUR. Install it using an AUR helper of your choice like so:

<aur-helper> -S bluetuith-bin.

For more information on whether bluetuith is packaged for your distribution, check the repology page.


You can retrieve the package’s tagged release from the project’s Releases page.

Before downloading, note:

  • The latest tag of the release
  • Your operating system (for example, Linux)
  • Your architecture (for example, x86_64)

The binary is packaged in a gzipped tar file (with the extension .tar.gz) in the format: bluetuith_<tag>_<Operating System>_<Architecture>.tar.gz

To download a package for:

  • with the release tag ‘v0.1.7’,
  • a ‘Linux’ distribution,
  • on the ‘x86_64’ architecture,

You would select: bluetuith_0.1.7_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz

You can follow these steps for other Operating Systems as well. Note that for Apple computers like Macs, the Operating System is Darwin.

GO Toolchain

Ensure that the go binary is present in your system before following the listed steps.


To install it directly from the repository without having to compile anything, use:

go install

Note that the installed binary may be present in ~/go/bin, so ensure that your $PATH points to that directory as well.


  • Clone the source into a folder using git, like so:

    git clone

    The source should be cloned into a directory named “bluetuith”.

  • Next, change the directory to the “bluetuith” folder:

    cd bluetuith
  • Finally, use the go toolchain to build the project:

    go build main.go -o bluetuith-bin

    After the build process, a binary named “bluetuith-bin” should be present in your current directory.